Design Review Board

The Design Review Board was established to preserve and protect the historical character of Jerome. The duties of the Board are to review the exterior design of new buildings and structures, exterior alterations, signs, landscaping, and proposed demolition within Jerome to ensure that development is compatible with the surrounding environment. The Board is comprised of five members appointed by the Town Council, each of whom must reside in Jerome. Board members serve three-year terms.

Board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month (holidays excepted), beginning at 6 p.m. Meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed by following the links at the left. 

Click here to view DRB approved bylaws.

Current Board members:


Term expires:

Tyler Christensen 2/28/2026
Scott Staab 2/28/2027
Mark Krmpotich 2/28/2027
Carol Wittner 2/28/2026
Devon Kunde 2/28/2027

Contact Info

William Blodgett
Zoning Administrator
[email protected]