Information for Candidates

In order to run for the office of Councilmember in Jerome, you must be, at the time of filing, at least 18 years of age, a qualified and registered elector, and current on any campaign finance violation fines, penalties or judgments. In addition, you must have been a resident of Jerome for at least one year as of the election date.

The five (5) member seats of the Jerome Town Council, which includes the Mayor and Vice-Mayor, will be open for the upcoming primary election being held on July 30, 2024.  All seats are elected to a two-year term.  Candidate Packets are available at the Jerome Town Hall beginning Thursday, December 28th, 2023, during normal business hours.  Interested candidates must sign for a packet.  Please also note the legal requirement for completing and filing a Statement of Interest with the Town clerk prior to obtaining any signatures on the Nomination Petition Paperwork.

If you have any questions, please contact Brett Klein, Town Manager/Clerk, at (928) 634-7943 or by email at [email protected].

Contact Info

Brett Klein
Town Manager/Clerk
[email protected]