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The Town of Jerome strives to keep you updated on all matters related to our community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you!  Subscribe today (using the link below) and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox or phone.

JFD Annual Picnic/Firewise Community Day


Jerome Fire Department Picnic/Firewise community day on Thursday, 9-26-24

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Jerome CAT bus service to terminate


Based on limited numbers of riders, in particular, the very limited number of Jerome resident riders, the Town Council voted to discontinue the CAT bus service upon completion of the two-year PILOT program as of September 30, 2024.  Town Council members cited the limited number of riders which adversely impacted the return on the financial investment as the primary reason, along with the desire to utilize the limited Town funds to expand and enhance the Town’s own shuttle service.  In the near future the Town will be expanding the shuttle service in an effort to meet the needs of its residents and visitors.  More information will be forthcoming regarding the Town’s expanding shuttle service.

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Recommendation for emergency calls


The Town of Jerome Town Council and Public Safety (Police and Fire) recommend all residents, employees and visitors who use cell phones to program in the local police and fire dispatch number into their cell phone and use that when calling in an emergency or non-emergency situation from a cell phone.  The phone number for that, which will provide the most expeditious response is: (928) 634-2245.  This is a 24-hour line that rings directly to the Town’s dispatch center and will not be hindered by cell phone routing delays like 911 is.  Please note that this recommendation is for cell phone users only.  Hard wired lines should still dial 911 in case of emergency or the local dispatch number above for non-emergency situations. 

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The Town of Jerome is on a 3-year cycle for APS tree trimming.  The next working cycle for Jerome will be in 2025.  If you have concerns during off cycle times, APS is happy to address any issues.  This will also provide valuable analytics for the program and then we can change/update the cycle for the area if needed.  Please route any concerns to APS via email at [email protected].  You can provide a name, address, phone number and your concerns.  APS  forestry department will then reach out to you.  Customers can also contact the APS call center at 602-371-7171 and the rep will take the information and pass that on to the forestry department.  If there is an emergent concern and a line is sparking due to a tree, please contact 602-371-7171 and APS will have a Troubleman address the emergent issue asap.  Customers can also utilize the APS app and put in a ticket themselves if they like. 

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Reminder: Cooling Station Available


As we move into the summer months, remember that our Fire Station is available as a cooling station during high temperature days.  If you need any assistance in getting to the Fire Station, please call Chief Blair (928-300-8701) to make arrangements.

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Prescott National Forest - Stage I Fire Restrictions


Due to rapidly drying wildland fuels and predicted hot and dry weather, the Prescott National Forest, along with local partners, plan to enter Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, to include a recreational shooting prohibition, beginning
Thursday, June 6 at 8:00 a.m. Restrictions will remain in effect until forest officials determine that conditions have improved sufficiently to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfires.

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About garbage collection ...


Lately, javelinas and high winds have been knocking over cans and making a mess! 

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Notice to All Known or Potential Owners & Operators of Vacation Rental / Short-Term Rental (STR) Properties


Notice to All Known or Potential Owners & Operators of Vacation Rental / Short-Term Rental (STR) Properties

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